
Masonry is the world’s oldest and largest fraternity for men. Although the details of Masonry’s beginnings are lost, it is certain that in 1717 four lodges met in a London coffeehouse and formed the first Grand Lodge or association of lodges.

Our Junior PM at work

Masonry entered this country early in our history. Benjamin Franklin, an active Mason, printed the first Masonic book published in the United States.

George Washington, Paul Revere and other American leaders were active Masons who helped foster the birth of our nation.

As Masons moved across the continent, they brought Masonry with them.   The first recorded Masonic meeting in Colorado was held in the middle of the nineteenth century; the first Rocky Mountain News contained a notice of a Masonic meeting.   The Colorado Grand Lodge was formed in 1861.

At Lafayette #91, we strive for Honor Lodge quality degree work.

Freemasons have been supporting families and family values since our inception.

We have organizations open only to men, only to women, for couples, for young men and for young ladies.

Link to print a petition to join:  Petition For Freemasonry Blue Lodge